Newsworthy Interviews and Podcasts
Facets of Inspiration is a collaborative TV network made up of coaches and licensed professionals who want to see the world grow and heal from the corruption that's overtaken mainstream media. These stories are from real creators with a real mission to inspire you. Not everything is feel good, but it's for a purpose.
The Scoop
Relevant New Stories You Need To Know About
For Thriver's Only
Learning to love life again... Be inspired to LIVE
Let's Hash it Out
@TheNerdInCharge discusses the inspiring topics no one else will talk about!
Finding Our Y
The stories of two XX's searching for their Y and the bunny trails that daddy issues create in the world of a woman.
We Recover
Recovering from ANYTHING is no easy task and you're a HERO for seeking out recovery or going through it! We want to spotlight you, honor you, help you, and support you!
We want to bring FACETStv to every platform!
Work with us to support this mission. We provide resources and support services to business owners of all sizes as well as marketing opportunities on this channel and others. Get started today.